It seems my lot in life to never - and I mean
NEVER - have my pattern pieces line up. Seriously, I don't know what it is but facings, waistbands, notches they just do not work for me and I know it has nothing to do with the cutting because I am an
excellent and precise cutter. Anyway, I sewed the pleats both front and back, attached the waistband and BAM waistband is like 2 inches longer than the top of my skirt. Why??? I lined up the pleats exactly...Then there was some trouble with what was supposed to happen with the second set of waistbands and the facings. I just don't understand why the directions for these things are not more clear. Would it kill those pattern makers to put this stuff in plain english? Or just put a few more pictures on there for god sake! Beginner my ass.
Anyway, this is my muslin and I now understand the purpose of making a muslin is to get all the kinks out. In the end I just discarded the useless directions and tried to figure it out on my own. Here are the mistakes I made:
Ta Da! Muslin! |
1. It is important to backstitch the ends of the pleats (especially on this kind of skirt where a lot of pressure is put on them). I back stitched the front but not the back and I regret not doing it to both.
2. I see now that the second waistband and facings need to be attached after the side seams are sewed up (and probably after the zipper is inserted. I attached them before then sewed it up right sides together - because I had no idea what the instructions were saying and nothing was lining up and I just needed it to make sense. It worked but was certainly not the way it was intended to be sewn.
3. Waistbands need interfacing. I knew this already but I am too poor for interfacing (or a zipper for that matter) so I did without.
4. Get a zipper. I am planning on putting in a lapped zipper (because I'm good at that kind) so I just sewed both sides up with the intension of adding the zipper...whenever.
The result: Wearable, though not currently because there is no way for me to get into it. I suppose I like this skirt but the back pleats (that I didn't backstitch) are already starting to come out, there are some spots on the fabric (which is really a flat sheet), and the waistband is not interfaced and therefore...weak & floppy.
Sigh...I suppose as far a muslin is concerned this could be considered a success. It will be wearable as soon as I zipper it, and I'm assuming the fit is okay (though I'm not sure yet). Also, I know what to do now, so when I make it again it will be easier - which was the point.
But seriously, I have no answer as to why the facings, and waistbands don't work together. Why is EVERYTHING a different size? This is why I get frustrated and walk away from the sewing machine for months at a time. You can try and do everything right and sometimes shit just don't line up. On top of that, pattern instructions are the worst. The absolute worst!
It is a relief not to have made another Sorbetto top though. This is how I learn - trial and error.